151 articles
Mobimedical Information on COVID-19
Published : 03/18/2020 | Categories : Mobi Medical ArticlesHow is Mobimedical handling the COVID-19 situation? Read more to find out more!
Business Startups Look to Bring Tech Advancements to the Death Care Industry
Published : 08/31/2019 | Categories : Mortuary ServicesMost people tend to shy away from or avoid discussing anything that has to do with death care. When we think of death care, our mind seems to be filled with images of people grieving ...
Survival Medical Supplies You Should Have on Hand
Published : 08/30/2019 | Categories : Medical Supplies , Mobi Medical ArticlesIt can be extremely hard to find supplies after a disaster hits. One of the scariest scenarios people can imagine is going through a disaster and not being prepared for its aftermath.
EMT Emergency Response: How to Respond to an Active Shooter Situation
Published : 08/28/2019 | Categories : Medical Supplies , Mobi Medical ArticlesThere seems to be more and more active shooter situations in the news lately. This can be unnerving for the majority of us.
A Day in the Life of a Funeral Director
Published : 08/27/2019 | Categories : Mobi Medical Articles , Mortuary ServicesOnce upon a time, a funeral director was known as a mortician or undertaker. In recent times they are called a funeral director, and this job title seems to have a ...
Smartphone Memorial and Mortuary Patents Are on the Rise
Published : 08/24/2019 | Categories : Mobi Medical Articles , Mortuary ServicesA brand new trend in the funeral industry is on the rise. The patents for smartphone memorials and mortuary patents are experiencing tremendous growth.
Purchasing Pre-Owned Medical Equipment
Published : 08/21/2019 | Categories : Mobi Medical Articles , Mortuary ServicesMore and more businesses in the medical industry or looking into or are already purchasing pre-owned medical equipment.
Memorial Services: Creating the Best Eulogy
Published : 08/17/2019 | Categories : Mobi Medical Articles , Mortuary ServicesCreating a eulogy can be a difficult task. It can be pretty emotional dealing with the loss of a loved one. You will find that you must deal with all the stages of grief associated...