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Out of the Box Ideas for Dealing With a Loved One’s Ashes

Cremation is becoming more and more popular these days. The cost is cheaper and the environmental effects are less than a traditional burial. With this new trend taking off, many people are left to wonder what to do with their loved one’s ashes. A simple scattering of the ashes or placing them on a memorial shelf may not do the job for some people. Your loved one may have been vibrant and extra special in some way, and you can only imagine memorializing them in a unique and personal way. Lucky for you, with the rise in cremation, there are now numerous companies that offer unique ways to memorialize your loved one’s ashes. Here are just a few innovative and unique ideas for you to look into:

  • Cremation jewelry. This trend has come a long way since its beginnings. There are numerous options available and not just in the gothic style. You can transform your loved one’s ashes into amazing works of art that include hand-blown glass and sparkly diamonds, or you could opt to place their ashes in a locket or another type of encased jewelry. Some people like to have them transformed into glass paperweights. There are so many unique options out there that you can pretty much tell them what you want, and whichever company you choose can personalize it just for you.

  • Fire the ashes from a gun or cannon. There are companies out there that will add your loved one’s ashes to shotgun shells for a final and personal type of send off. There are also companies that will shoot your loved one’s ashes out of a cannon for an even bigger send off. This type of memorial service would be perfect for an avid hunter or even a history buff. Whatever the reason you choose this type of send off, it is going to be a big bang for everyone involved.

  • Opt for a smaller bang. If you want to send your loved one to the skies but hate the idea of a gun or cannon, there are other options available. You can contact a company that will add your loved one’s ashes to some fireworks. Then you can get your friends and family together to celebrate the life of your loved one in a joyous fashion. You can also contact companies that will send your loved one’s ashes heavenward by a hot air balloon or even send them to space. The sky truly is the limit these days when it comes to dealing with the ashes of your loved one.

  • Build a coral reef. Did you know that there are companies out there that will combine the ashes of your loved one with concrete to create a new habitat for fish and other marine life? This would be a great idea for someone who loves the beach or the ocean or someone that loves the environment. There is one of the largest man-made reefs located a couple of miles off the coast of Miami that was created this way. Neptune’s Society is a memorial reef that will also allow you to visit your loved ones. You can charter a boat and dive down to explore the reef in all its majesty. You can rest easy knowing that your loved one was laid to rest in a place they enjoyed.

In today’s world there are many options for handling your loved one’s ashes. You do not have to rely on the traditional options of storing them on a shelf or scattering them. You can do so much more, and there is sure to be something unique out there that may fit your loved one much better and allow you to put their own personal spin on their memorial service. However, you may need to consult the legalities involved with some of these options to ensure that they are completely legal in your area. Once all the legal technicalities are considered, you can have fun deciding how you will remember and celebrate your loved one through laying their ashes to rest.

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By JAY JAMES 08/03/2018 18:43:15

re: ashes article-very interesting. Can u provide the co. names etc. that provide the alternate ashes services?-or create ashes in fireworks for example. Thanks Jay James[pls send info to me directly at