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Tips on Creating a Celebration of Life Event

It would be perfect if everything would last forever. However, this is not a perfect world and even some of the most necessary things only last a short time. It is inevitable that our prized possessions will eventually begin to wear out and over time need to be replaced. This is all too true for surgical tables. They go through a lot of grueling hours and will eventually need to be replaced. However, with the expensive costs of a surgical table, you will want to know exactly the right time to replace this piece of equipment. Here are a few telltale signs that you will need to replace your surgical table soon.

  • Movement of the tabletop. You should routinely check the tabletop for any excessive movement. You should rotate the table and move it laterally and also end to end. Also, try observing the table without a patient first and then check it later with a patient. If you notice a lot of play or drift in the movement, this could be a sign of mechanical wear or aging hydraulics. You will need to get your table serviced or replaced soon.

  • Problematic floor locks. The floor locks will need to be checked for functionality. You must ensure that each and every one of the floor locks work. Your table will not be safe for your patients if only one or two floor locks work. You should make sure the floor locks are engaged that they go all the way down and that they do not slip. One of the most common problems in the floor locks is the rubber gripper coming off. If this happens, you will need to replace them immediately.

  • Oil leaks. Some oil leaks are fairly obvious. You will be able to see them as you are working. However, there may be some oil leaks that are not as visible. They could be hidden under the covers of your surgical table. This means that you will need to ensure that your maintenance or Biomed team is routinely checking under the covers for any oil leaks. If there is an oil leak, this could signal a huge problem, and you will want to get your table serviced immediately.

  • Distress to the outer layer of your table. As time goes by, you will start to notice a lot of wear and tear to your table. The covers may become damaged, and the paint may start to peel. You may even notice damage to the gaskets. This outer layer is what protects the working parts inside your table. As you notice these pieces starting to wear out, you need to replace them for the safety of your table, your patients, and your team.

  • Tears or rips in the cushions. You need to regularly check your cushions on your table. A rip or a tear in these cushions could be a big problem for you and your patients. You may think that it is a good idea to try and repair any noticeable tears yourself with tape. However, this is a bad idea. You will need to replace the entire cushion in order to ensure that there is no risk of spreading infections among your patients.

  • Noisy gears and irregular lift movements. You should always be watching your lift as you are using it. This way you will be able to quickly notice if there is any hesitation, irregular movement or any other irregularities while the lift is in use. If you see any irregularities in your lift movements or hear any loud noises or grinding of gears while in use, immediately stop using your table and get it serviced or replaced as soon as possible.

  • Batteries and power cords. You will need to inspect the battery of your surgical table annually to ensure there are no signs of weakening or inefficiencies. Normally, you will need to replace your battery every five years, but if you notice your table not holding a charge or any other power irregularities, it may be a sign you need to replace your battery. Remember to keep an eye on your batteries because a neglected battery can explode. You will need to routinely check your power cord for any wear and tear. If you do notice a tear, you will need to replace the cord immediately because it poses a risk of electric shocks and fires.

As you notice your table’s eventual decline, there are necessary steps to take. You will need to look into getting it repaired or replacing the entire table. If you are lucky enough to still have a warranty, then this problem may not be as bad as you once thought it was. However, there will be numerous times when you find your table has malfunctioned and the warranty has lapsed. This will leave you with the option of having your table repaired through your maintenance team or an outside company, which will entirely depend on how difficult the problem is to fix and how skilled your maintenance team may be. Then there may come a time when your table has officially died, and you will have to purchase a new table. You will most likely notice the service order stacking up and coming more quickly than before, and you will know it is time to bite the bullet and purchase an entirely new table. In order to prolong the life of your table and avoid the costly price of having to purchase a new table, remember to keep up on the everyday maintenance and inspect your table regularly to find these problems before they become much worse.

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